Brand Gratitude
By Kelly Farrell | December 11, 2014

If gratitude were my brand, I’d be all over the place. But I’d be well-positioned for the coming year. I think that’s ok when you’re grateful. Because gratitude touches everything.
I’m grateful that we have had the opportunity this year to add so much to an already great team. Not just our key people inside, but also our partners, clients, and our work (I know, it seems cheesy, but it’s true!).
We’ve been able to really elevate our branding work and focus on a space we know and love, plugging partners in along the way to help our big ideas come to light.
Our clients are all really good people. But what really makes them great is the way they understood what we were doing for them and their willingness to be active participants. That’s when success really happens.
Established clients like MarshBerry and Millcraft allowed us to get up-close to their already successful businesses and re-create and refresh their brands. Signature Health’s Jonathan Lee partnered with me in a branding presentation (an innovation in this market) at a national behavioral health conference, which has helped us to focus on branding in health and behavioral health space. The great orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Reuben Gobezie, let us help him name, brand and launch two new orthopedic practices (which are currently “crazy busy”). The beautiful retirement community, Normandy Senior Living, allowed us to re-create and invigorate their brand. Oh, and we’re designing and laying out a beautiful hard-bound book with one of our long-time clients, .
I am grateful for everything that we accomplished this year at designRoom Creative and the energy my creative team puts into making great things happen on strategy, on time, on budget. Our clients absolutely love that, and I love that our clients get the importance of building a brand, understanding what makes them unique and owning it.
I am the most grateful for my team at designRoom Creative. I could not do what I do every day without each and every one of them. I know without a doubt that we all are trying to do our best for each other, for our partners and for our clients, all the time, every day.
About dR
At designRoom, we make it our business to find real answers and create custom healthcare brands. We believe effective healthcare branding is grounded in research, directed by insight, and driven by strategy.
We love seeing how strategic branding helps the right clients find the right organizations and receive the right care. That’s been our focus for over a decade. Today designRoom is an award-winning, national branding and design firm, known for helping clients build and promote healthy, sustainable brands. And we are super proud of that.