Random Wacky Image Search Results
By Chad Gordon | November 25, 2014

I believe, as the result of many an internet image search, our world is becoming more random. And wacky. If you have a teenager, you’ll know what I mean by random. And wacky. Just check out this video. My daughter thought it was hilarious. When she showed it to me, I just stood there dumbfounded for a few minutes, wondering, what does this mean??
Most of my “what the !!??” moments come while searching online for stock images, scouring various stock sites looking for the “perfect” image to shoehorn into a concept that we have developed. It’s often tedious and frustrating. But at least the internet never fails to rear its wacky, random head during my searches. These are actual results (I always save the wacky ones), and the most suitable for sharing :
Searched for: “Young Businessman”
I’m not even sure what is happening here. Vampire? Beginning stages of werewolf? Whichever, it reflects my mood having to spend hours searching for stock images of “businessmen.”
Searched for: “Business and Office”
A lot of effort went into this set. I feel your pain little one.
Searched for: “Crutches”
“Perfect! Just the crutch image I was looking for. The client will love this! Who doesn’t love bunnies?!”
Searched for: “Sports Injury”
This person… Other than the poor image quality, flat lighting, bad composition and disturbing subject matter, this image has everything going for it. Its just not exactly the sports injury image I had in mind.
Searched for: “Sports Injury”
Which sport would this be? Are we sure this is staged? Should we call the authorities?
Searched for: “Professional Landscaper”
“I want a Yeti landscaper! I want a Yeti landscaper now, daddy!”
Searched for: “Businessman”
“mmmm…. yessss….I’m going to CRUSH this meeting!”
Searched for: “Outdoor Portrait of Two People”
Wait… is that on purpose? I’m confused and a bit uncomfortable.
Searched for: “Doctor and Outdoors”
I guess I asked for it.
Searched for: “Smiling Woman”
You know that time in a brainstorming session where you bring up a weird idea just to loosen up the room so you can move on? This is that idea.
Searched for: “Birthday Cake”
“No, I think out by the street would be a better location for this shot. Yes, she is absolutely the granddaughter.”
Searched for: “Adult Stress”
“Nooo! Look stressier! STRESSIER!”
Searched for: “Sitting Business Man”
No matter what the subject, the bunny angle is covered… and as creepy as possible.
Searched for: “Baby”
The days of boring, every-thing-looks-the-same stock imagery are over! Viva la skull baby on the rocks!
– Chad
About dR
At designRoom, we make it our business to find real answers and create custom healthcare brands. We believe effective healthcare branding is grounded in research, directed by insight, and driven by strategy.
We love seeing how strategic branding helps the right clients find the right organizations and receive the right care. That’s been our focus for over a decade. Today designRoom is an award-winning, national branding and design firm, known for helping clients build and promote healthy, sustainable brands. And we are super proud of that.