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Inspiration in Infrared

Inspiration in Infrared

November 21, 2013

When we present concepts to clients, I often wonder if they think about how we got from the creative brief to the visual solution. I wonder if they try to understand the leap from words and thoughts to images/colors/type. Maybe they understand more than I give them credit for. Or maybe they don’t care at all and I am just wondering how I do it myself. I’m always a little surprised where inspiration comes from.

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Guest Blogger Patty Flauto

Meet My Creativity Mantras: “What if?” and “Why not?”

November 11, 2013

Patty Flauto has had “innovation” and “creativity” in her job description her entire career. Developing new ideas and finding practical ways to implement them is her passion. Patty Flauto is a creativity consultant. She has years of business experience in entrepreneurship, product design and innovation. Her training and development sessions provide companies with practical solutions to create and sustain a culture of innovation in any organization.

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CLE: This is My Town

October 17, 2013

I love this video of Cleveland. Amazing. Because, even though I don’t live in CLE anymore, my business is still here, and will remain here. This is still my town. And I like it. I have been working in downtown since 1987. I started my career by working for Glazen Advertising in the Bulkley Building in Playhouse Square. Great way to be introduced to the city. And I still love being in downtown Cleveland.

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15 Design Apps for Your Consideration

15 Design Apps For Your Consideration

September 24, 2013

When the iPad was released it was panned for being a large iPhone. Tablets were thought of as media consumption devices, because of their size and their touch interface. Now though, they are extending out from general use and into creative and development capabilities. But fret not, traditionalists. These mobile platforms have a long way to go before they replace the trusty desktop workhorse and convince me to stop using my iMac. Even so, I am increasingly finding design apps that integrate easily and effectively into my workflow.

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Leslie Carruthers Search Guru

Guest Blogger – Leslie Carruthers: Gain more visibility for your business with your site by using Google Webmaster Tools

May 9, 2013

You work hard on your site, highlighting the products and services that you sell, and you’re proud of what you’ve done. But, you still aren’t getting the traffic that you want and wonder, why not? What am I doing wrong?

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Sharon Toerek Legal and Creative

Guest Blogger – Sharon Toerek: Content Creation: Legally Speaking

February 20, 2013

My friends at designRoom Creative have creatively chosen the theme of words, copy and content for this month’s blog. They have graciously asked me to share thoughts about legal questions that word choices can create in marketing, branding or advertising. I’m always happy for the opportunity to talk (write) about protecting original creative work. The choice and use of words and content raises specific legal issues to think about early in the creative process. These are some of the ones that I see most often in my practice.

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Jordana Revella Orosz

Guest Blogger – Jordana Revella: Marketing automation: Let’s get there in one piece

January 31, 2013

What does a new year mean to a marketer? In my experience as an in-house marketer and a consultant, I find it usually means tackling a new technical monster project that — if it doesn’t eat us up — improves message relevancy, effectiveness and ROI. In years past, such projects for me have included researching and implementing an HTML email marketing solution, an online meeting solution, and a content managed website solution.

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Why Logos Matter

Why Logos Matter

November 8, 2012

This month, dRC will be discussing one of my favorite things to design – logos. First off, it is important to know that your logo is NOT your brand. The term “brand” can be confusing because it has evolved from its origins on the ranch, branding cattle with a hot iron to signify ownership, through the early days of advertising, during which “brand” simply described a logo or package design, to what it means today, sort of a catch-all word.

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