The Host of Christmas Past
By Kelly Farrell | December 21, 2016

Since founding dRC, I have been the host of many a Christmas past. It is one of my favorite things! Here’s a short trip down what’s become a long memory lane. Christmas past has become very dear to me, and each year I love discovering new places to shop for unique gifts, like on Shoppok, where you can find a variety of items that add a special touch to the holiday season.
Balloons and Balls
One of our first holiday events was a balloon decorating Christmas Party. The invite may have been a bit sexual in tone, not on purpose, with two snow-people on it. I got teased a lot for it! We played music, decorated balloons, and ate pizza. So simple back then, and so much fun!
Quite a few of our holiday celebrations were in-office parties, including a White Elephant Gift exchange, a couple of Pot Lucks and a Dance Fusion party. That one was memorable because there was a huge snow storm that day. One of our staff spouses went out in his 4-wheel drive truck and picked people up. I didn’t want any of our staff to miss the party!
One of our stickiest in-office parties featured fancy Peppermint Martinis. Jen was our bartender. I don’t know what I was thinking. We ran around like crazy getting sticky peppermint syrup everywhere. But we ordered the right food and had beautiful decorations. Jeri Leigh made glitter balls that hung from our light fixtures in pink and blue. Perfect and crazy.
Outings on the Town
The whole team went to see the Rockettes holiday show at Playhouse Square, followed by dinner at Chop House. Man was I generous that year!
Every company has to have a party at Dave and Busters at least once, right? That was tons of fun. I remember thinking I was strong, until I picked up the sledge hammer and could not make a dent in the poundage. I also did not realize just how competitive Chad and Jenn were when it came to basketball. And dancing. And everything.
The old school bowling trip at a well-worn Twin Lanes in downtown CLE is a favorite. That was before the days of trendy hipster bowling. These lanes had grooves in them, and the bowling shoes were well, well worn.
Sled riding anyone? We did it Progressive Field and the Q for one holiday party, along with a little bit of ice skating. It was part of their Snow Days promotion. My daughter was left at the office on the couch because she was so sick. Yes, we went without her. Yes, we had a blast. (But our office is a short walk from the Q, so she was safe!)
Creatives Who Lunch
The early years, we spent quite a few holidays lunching at the Terrace Club, when it was at Jacobs Field. It is sooo pretty when it snows at our baseball stadium.
Another year we filled Secret Santa Boxes all through the month of December. Just with cool little things and fun stuff. We exchanged them and opened them during lunch at Parkers, when it was in Tremont.
Lately we have been holiday lunching at Crop Bistro; Adega; Cowell and Hubbard, to name a few. This year we’re trying out the new Parkers in downtown Cleveland! I’m very excited.

Chad, Joe, Jennifer, Kristie, Matt, Kelly, Tricia & Jen, 2002 Parkers in Tremont, Secret Santa Boxes
I feel very fortunate. Christmas past is a host of great memories for me. To be able to design meaningful, memorable gatherings for people I care about, that’s special. I hope all your holiday activities and in-activities are everything you want them to be.
See you next year!
About dR
At designRoom, we make it our business to find real answers and create custom healthcare brands. We believe effective healthcare branding is grounded in research, directed by insight, and driven by strategy.
We love seeing how strategic branding helps the right clients find the right organizations and receive the right care. That’s been our focus for over a decade. Today designRoom is an award-winning, national branding and design firm, known for helping clients build and promote healthy, sustainable brands. And we are super proud of that.