Simple Ways to Fall
By Joe Miller | October 31, 2016

I know a lot of simple ways to fall. Here’s a selection of my current favorites. I didn’t include the song I wrote, titled appropriately enough, A Simple Way to Fall. Perhaps I will in a future blog. Feel free to share your own simple ways.
Fall Classic
Indians and Cubs in the World Series. An instant classic that makes life worth living as the weather turns chilly and grey.
Fall Asleep
The simple act of falling asleep can be awesome, restorative, and elusive. But if you suffer from Hypersomnia, anxiety, or depression, it can be a problem.
Fall Apart
Something I’m trying not to do as I watch the Tribe drop game 5 and suddenly remember I have a deadline in the morning and it’s after midnight. Seriously, though, millions of people have serious problems with falling apart, or feeling like they will. Anxiety, substance abuse, depression, PTSD, bipolar disorder; many of our clients help people recover from these diseases. That’s why we work so hard to help behavioral health organizations.
Fall Into Place
This happens when the Indians win the Series on their home field. It’s also what happens with your business after dRC works with you through a rebranding process. More than a few of our client businesses have discovered how that helps things fall into place. Millions of people in recovery know this feeling, too.
Fall Back
The extra hour of sleep we get the first week in November. What could happen to your business if you allow your brand to lie dormant for years without paying it any attention. And what happens when a recovering person doesn’t keep up with their treatment regimen.
Fall Colors
In the midwest and the east, we’re fortunate to be able to watch nature do more with color than all the designers in the world could do. As Albert Camus said, Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.
A Simple Way to Fall in Love
Is there a simple way to suddenly feel more alive? In my sketchy history, I’ve never been able to manufacture it. When it happens, it happens. When you feel it, you feel it. That’s all. And that’s all I’ll say, since so many others have said it better than I ever could, in some of the finest love poems ever conceived.
About dR
At designRoom, we make it our business to find real answers and create custom healthcare brands. We believe effective healthcare branding is grounded in research, directed by insight, and driven by strategy.
We love seeing how strategic branding helps the right clients find the right organizations and receive the right care. That’s been our focus for over a decade. Today designRoom is an award-winning, national branding and design firm, known for helping clients build and promote healthy, sustainable brands. And we are super proud of that.