Make a Promise. Then Keep It!
Make a promise you can keep. Then keep it.
This is something we recommend to clients, and is a quintessential part of healthy branding. The first part of the process is to assess the brand. What sets the brand apart from similar organizations? How is it special? What does it offer? This is positioning, and the brand promise. Healthy brands are built around it. The key is for the brand to consistently and continually deliver on their promise.
Practice What You Promise
Another recommendation we give clients is that their entire organization should practice what they promise. This is exactly what we do at designRoom. Very recently I tested my own ability to keep a tough promise I made to a friend.
In the summer of 2015 I made the promise -- run a marathon (my first marathon), with my ultra-committed, runs every day, seven+ marathons under her belt friend. We have been running together since grade school, so it is not unusual that she asked me to take on this feat. What is unusual is that I said yes. And with one hesitant handshake, the promise was set.
By the end of 2015 we had determined that we would attempt to run the 2017 marathon in Berlin, Germany - because if you\'re going to fulfill a promise, do it in a big way, right? When 2017 rolled around, we entered our names and to my surprise, and a touch of dismay, we were accepted.
Promises and Commitment
Now the promise was real, and the real work began. I embarked on a grueling training schedule. Six days a week I ran. Each week I logged 50+ miles. Mind you, the past year I was running maybe once or twice a week. Ramping up was difficult; sometimes I thought there was no way I could keep up with it. I wavered from time to time, but I adjusted and continued. I forged on, determined to live up to my promise.
On September 20, 2017, my promise was fulfilled. I succeeded by completing the 2017 Berlin Marathon in 5 hours, 22 seconds. While it was a struggle at times, I can say that I feel so grateful and accomplished. I fulfilled my promise, and in turn that promise delivered me one of the biggest adventures of my life.