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Branding is Good Medicine

Branding is good medicine. But sometimes, to help it go down, you need to add a spoonful of sugar. A couple weeks ago we held our annual designRoom strategic planning/branding workshop. It’s for the whole staff, and everyone prepares and contributes. The sugar I provided was lunch for everyone from L’ Albatros restaurant in University Circle,…

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Love What You Do, Your Brand Shines Through 

When you love what you do, your brand shines through. It might seem a little touchy-feely, because for me in this case, it is.  My daughter started her freshman year in college this past August. During this hectic, bittersweet transition I’ve had quite a few internal freakout moments. Did I prepare her well enough? Did…

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Evidence-Based Branding

I hear a lot about evidence-based treatment as I travel. Over the past ten months I have been fortunate to attend behavioral health and addiction treatment trade shows and conferences across the country. These shows are pivotal for my personal growth. I am able to engage with experts in the field, current and potential clients,…

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5 Brand Features That Give Me Goosebumps

Every time I walk through the doors of a well-positioned and branded behavioral health organization I get goosebumps. And as I visit with more of them, and speak with the incredible people that do the good work, the source of my goosebumps is clear. They all share some key traits. I’ve identified five brand features…

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A Healthy Brand Keeps on Giving

I say it all the time — a healthy brand just keeps on giving, adding value way beyond a cool logo or tagline or website. A great example of this popped up just a few days ago. Healthy Brand in Testimony I listened to Marvin Ventrell, Executive Director of the National Association of Addiction Treatment…

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Healthy Branding in a Time of Change

Change is an inevitable part of life and business, especially a small business. Change is constant yet, in the moment, it can feel quite unexpected. Recently, designRoom experienced an unexpected change. A key member of our team moved on to a new opportunity. I’m very happy for her and she is going to do great…

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Reflecting on My 2017 “Take a Position” Theme

Take a Position. It was my theme for 2017. And my promise – to you and to myself – was to share content and thoughts and ideas that would help others grow and sustain a healthy brand. My goal in taking a position was to open up and share: • Our studio • Our process,…

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Pass Our Website Assessment with Flying Colors

Website management can be done with the help of services like SERPninja. However, website assessment is also a critical part of every brand assessment. During a website assessment, Shaun utilizes HubSpot’s website grader tool and his own website brand review to evaluate your brand’s website. dR Website Review During our review, we look to see…

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From the Heart, to the Heart

Brands that market from the heart will create strong, enduring bonds. I have seen it work. It has been over a week, but I am still feeding off the energy from the Admissions & Marketing Symposium in Los Angeles. My first-ever west coast presentation went well. It won’t be my last! I was challenged by…

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Design Debt: 3 Things that Create it and How to Avoid it

Design debt is very much about wasted time and money. That’s why we refer to it as debt. And why it’s a good idea to avoid it. Almost everyone has experienced a design process of some sort. Whether through a marketing plan and a design firm or an interior design solution for your kitchen, design spreads across…

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